Medicaid Plans
Medicaid Plans
Harness the Power of a Unified Data Platform That Turns Insights into Action
Medicaid plans need to proactively manage disease progression and chronic conditions for their populations, while keeping costs down and remaining compliant. With Affinitē, our data science-driven platform, Medicaid plans can proactively identify vulnerable and high-risk members, and intervene earlier in the treatment process to positively impact health outcomes and minimize expenses.
Our intelligently automated platform enables plans to uncover insights on
high-cost and high-risk members, and plan for care that is holistic and individualized.
Identify Key Drivers of Risk in Near Real-Time
Utilize data science and predictive analytics to target at-risk members and identify risk drivers for necessary interventions.
Comply with State and Federal Regulations
Deliver value and reduce expenses while adhering to state and federal government and program regulations.
Streamline Collaboration and Engagement
Connect all stakeholders with a 360-degree member view so teams can be in alignment on member care and management services.
Automate with a Data Science-Driven Platform
Automate workflows with predictive modeling to ensure you're reaching the right people at the right time.
Our fully-integrated suite of products leverage data science and AI to bring optimal care coordination across the entire Medicaid entire health care ecosystem, including managed care, exchanges, LTSS, dual eligibles, and home care.
Quality Improvement
Affinitē QI offers year-round visibility
and management for certified
HEDIS® submissions.
Care Management
Affinitē CM drives seamless workflows and optimal care coordination for
your entire CM team.
Insights: Care Gaps
Leverages sourced and endorsed measures to provide plans with near real-time visibility into open care gaps
Population Health
A streamlined, patient-centric
approach increases visibility across
the entire care continuum.
Utilization Management
Affinitē UM leverages intelligent automation to address SDoH, and enables holistic and personalized member care planning
Risk Adjustment
Affinitē RA is a leading end-to-end solution that ensures an accurate assessment of risk and provides a complete financial picture.

Article Resource
3 Technology Trends that Will Continue to Advance UM in 2022
In 2022, UM will see a continued focus on the implementation of technology tools that automate and streamline processes, resulting in greater alignment between providers and payers, better care delivery and outcomes, and levels of compliance that exceed industry norms.